Saturday, February 2, 2013

Asbestos, Photography, Flooring, Margaritas

Peter is indeed awesome. SO friendly, SO professional, SO good at explaining what he does. He came out on last minute notice and already gave us a quote. It’s less than half of the other one, plus he told me that we can do the radiators and mold ourselves.

I didn’t need the heat gun, it turns out. All we needed was a crowbar and some elbow grease to tear up all 3 layers of tile in the kitchen.

Today Alex came and took pictures. They looked awesome on her iPad. I can’t wait to have them in real life.

White Oak Flooring also came out to give us an on-the-spot estimate to have the hard wood floors refinished. I keep getting excited because everyone who sees our floors – which are incredibly dirty and pretty gross looking—says what great shape they’re in. They just need a total facelift.  The estimate came in several hundred dollars lower than we expected. #win

Troy and Laura came to visit with the boys and took us out to a new Mexi restaurant a few blocks away. The margaritas were awesome and the staff was friendly. This place might be our new jam!

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