Saturday, February 9, 2013

14 Furniture Stores, Home Depot & IKEA

Good thing we went to all 14 furniture stores a few weeks ago, because now it’s time to buy a dining room table and we know exactly which one we want. It’s a Lancaster farmers table at Miss Pixie’s, a shop on 14th street that buys furniture at auctions.

They delivered it in a hot pink truck.  And now we have a table! It’s so suiting that this is our first purchase because we dream of all the entertaining we will now have the space for. Permanent chairs will be for another day, but for now Mike Davis lent us his old metal folding chairs.

We spent the rest of today at IKEA and Home Depot buying all kinds of random stuff in preparation for Troy and Laura coming to visit next weekend. When we got home, I spent another couple hundred bucks on Amazon getting all the things we forgot at Home Depot. 

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