Sunday, March 17, 2013

Race Weekend

Everything leading up to this weekend was in glorious preparation for Ben’s side of the family to stay with us during our DC Rock ‘n’ Roll half marathon. Acknowledging that there are some things I can control and some things I cannot has been difficult albeit immensely freeing.  I cannot control that our electrician is on medical leave and did not wire the electric in our kitchen. This also means I cannot help that we do not have counter tops, a dishwasher, or an oven for entertaining the 8 of us this weekend.

Then there are things that I can control, like cleaning, moving boxes to the side, and buying paper plates and no cook groceries.  So that’s what we did.  And as it turned out, no one cared about all of the other stuff except us. Not even Benjamin & Taylor...

This dream of hosting family has been a long time in coming, and this weekend was one of my favorites. The race is over and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t relieved to have 5 days/week back, but I’m so proud of what we accomplished together.  

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