Sunday, March 3, 2013

Moving Day

It is here! Moving Day!

We're getting to the age where donuts, pizza and beer are no longer a proper payment for the pain of moving someone, but I'm glad to have squeezed out this deal one last time. Thank God for good, generous friends.

After we moved out of the apartment, John & Hannah were thirsty. Drinking glasses were hard to come by, so they made due with a champagne glass and a measuring cup:

Stuart and Jeremy in our empty apartment:

Stuart and John fighting off the evil spirits at our new house #gargoyles

Nick, Evan and Erin came over later to hang out because our move was actually entirely finished. Erin and Evan brought us two plastic champagne cups, a bottle of Prosecco, and homemade cookies with a card welcoming us to the neighborhood. How adorable are they?

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