Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day! Electrician Estimate.

Happy Valentine’s Day! The heat & AC service came and fixed the boiler. Thank God. The woman on the phone was a little unhelpful. “They said you had no oil, so they topped off the tank and got it started for you.” “I have 100 gallons of oil, and my tank holds 250. So when you say you “topped it off,” what exactly do you mean?” She didn’t know.  All I know is that it’s working again.

Tonight we met with the most bizarre electrician. He told us so many inappropriate things about his life, including details on his wife’s new boyfriend, his 10 years in jail, the two times someone has tried to murder him, and personal financial details. He was openly making racist and sexist comments (ie. “all women are cheap except when it comes to jewelry and diamond rings”) and neither Ben nor I felt comfortable hiring him. Onto electrician estimate #2. 

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