Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Our Roommates Build Furniture

It's pretty much amazing and really impressive.

Hannah built a nightstand for next to the bed. It has holes for electronic chargers so chords don't get in the way.

John is building a coffee table with basket storage:

They are the cutest:

Sunday, September 15, 2013

DIY Fail: Painting Curtains

Sometimes you win, and sometimes you don't. There is a whole lot of DIY going on around this place, and sometimes we must accept our failures.

I started with big dreams and measuring a cheap pair of IKEA curtains.

Would things have turned out differently if we didn't spray paint? Maybe if we used a roller this would have worked, but we may never know:

After a few tedious hours, the finished product had spray paint in all the wrong places!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Filling out the Kitchen

We have a new piece of furniture, and the kitchen layout is finally making sense. We really enjoy the built in corner cupboard, but it does create an awkward space.

My coworker, Sandra, kindly hooked us up with a piece that fits in really well with the existing cupboards:

John let us borrow his truck so that Ben and I could pick it up. I don't know where we'd be without the generosity of our friends.

Monday, September 2, 2013

John & Hannah are HERE!

No one has earned their space in our house more than John & Hannah.

They've slaved for days (in the heat wave) removing the wallpaper from their room. Here is some during & after:

I can't believe the transformation this room has seen! The gray accent wall was the perfect choice; it's the best looking room in the house!